Our Approach
S S Solar and Electric was founded on the idea of helping communities feel safer. Lighting influences our emotions. Good quality lighting helps us feel comfortable and safe. Dim or absent lighting makes us unsure of our surroundings. We strive to provide the best quality outdoor lighting available while being ever mindful of the costs in energy and long term maintenance.
Our Story
S S Solar and Electric opened for business as an electrical contractor in January of 2011. The housing market and construction industry were both recovering from the recent housing crash. Jobs were scarce in construction. It was time to start a company that could listen to the customers needs, and respond with new creative approaches and innovative products.
Since 2011 the lighting industry has seen a major change to LED technology. This shift has seen some winners and losers as companies the world over have tried to make their mark in the LED lighting industry. This journey has provided a lot of real world experiences with good and bad lighting products. We look forward to seeing the rapid advancements in lighting technology such as the Sunna Design Solar powered LED streetlights.
Meet the Owner
Steve Spencer
Steve has been interested in technology since a very young age. Over the years many computers, TVs, and other assorted pieces of tech have been disassembled to see how things work.